Governor Hogan's 11th annual Buy Local Cookout
On July 19th, 2018 JesseJay's attended the 11th Annual Buy Local Cookout hosted by Governor Hogan and his wife. The event was the biggest ever and a great success. We met so many great people: farmers, restaurateurs, a 2 Star General and Mrs. Hogan herself.
Jesse cooked local pork raised on a farm about 5 miles from our home in Anne Arundel County. He featured the slow-braised pork shoulder in tacos topped with AMAZING mole sauce using his grandmother's recipe, straight from Oaxaca, Mexico.
The mole sauce was the hit. We had people coming out of their way to say how delicious it was, some saying it was the best they have ever had. I'm not lying when I say that I caught someone licking the mole off their plate. A chef that has worked for the governor's house for 33 years is set to retire this year. He came back just to serve himself a spoonful of the mole. He joked (I think) that he will be applying for a job with us, so he can learn the mole recipe. What a great compliment and what a great day it was!
We can't wait to keep serving people delicious food. Thanks to our family that helped today - you fill in our gaps and you rock!!